RICAP: Supercomputing for fruitful EU-LAC collaboration

RICAP, Red Iberoamericana de Computación de Altas Prestaciones – HPC Iberian American Network is one of the four pilots of ResInfra project. RICAP provides strategic infrastructure in the field of high performance computing from an advanced architecture that includes both High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Throughput Computing (HTC). Co-funded by the Ibero-American Development Science and Technology Program (Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo – CYTED ), RICAP brings together several computer centres, various use case providers in different scientific and technological fields, one of the world’s largest supercomputing companies and an experimental Latin American consortium in the field of physics.

Since 2017, RICAP has provided free access to HPC resources to nearly 50 groups: over 10 million hours of CPU and more than 47 million GPU hours. RICAP has also participated in around 60 training material publications, 13 HPC schools, 18 theses (5 PhD, 5 MSc and 8 BSc), and has received more than 60 recognitions in published articles. RICAP already has 15 partners and all of them have provided active participation and sought new financing opportunities in the future; the consortium has also launched activities to ensure sustainability.

As part of ResInfra, RICAP has done specific work identifying potential EU and LAC partners and HPC best practices for LAC. In two deliverables available on the website, RICAP centres have identified and reported 26 actors for the HPC sustainability based in LAC and Europe and have reported best practices based on their context and SWOT analyses.

In 2021, RICAP is working on a third report that will define the roadmap for the coming years, as well as reports on sustainability success stories. As the COVID-19 situation improves, they also expect short-term scientific visits to take place. Visit their website to learn more about RICAP‘s activity and contributions!