3rd ESFRI RIs -EOSC Workshop: What does EOSC bring to RI users?. Will take place on 25 & 26 January 2022

The 3rd workshop is on how the RI communities and researchers can use and benefit from EOSC, getting added value. Besides the general benefits of EOSC towards open science and “FAIRification” of data and services, it is considered that the daily use of EOSC Exchange and concrete tools by the RI users for intra and interdisciplinary research will also greatly benefit EOSC, in becoming useful and effective, contributing towards its sustainability.

Some points that will be highlighted during this workshop are:

  • The connection of RIs to EOSC, both ESFRI and other world-class Ris
  • The added value of EOSC for the RI communities and end users. I.e., what does EOSC bring to (users of) international RIs
  • Bringing international RIs up to speed on Open Science and the FAIR policy agenda, including concrete paradigms from young researchers presenting their work on Open Science and FAIR data, with possible achievements, may have positive effects on high-level RI/lab managers.
  • The co-creation between providers and users of the EOSC vision, in terms of service portfolio for the users

The agent of this event will to have seven sessions divided in two days every one which will have the presence of distinguished presenters. The title and the presenter of every instance are:

Day 1 – Tuesday, 25 January 2022

  1. Scope, EOSC current state and the EOSC Association, Chair: Jana Kolar, ESFRI Chair
  2. EOSC: Researcher Engagement and Adoption, Chair: Suzanne Dumouchel, French National Centre for Scientific
  3. The EOSC added value for the thematic communities – How can RI end users benefit from EOSC – Chair: Sara Garavelli, CSC-IT Center for Science & EOSC-A Director
  4. Feedback panel for users (Sessions 2-3): EOSC Added value for end users – Views on how the RI community can benefit from EOSC: EOSC developers, policy makers and funders face the users, Chair: Kostas Glinos, DG RTD, European Commission

Day 2 – Wednesday, 26 January 2022

  1. How generic and thematic EOSC services can add value to the RI community, Chair: Per Oster, CSC IT Center for Science 
  2. Feedback panel for providers (session 5): EOSC added value for thematic providers – Cross-fertilization between thematic and generic providers, Chair: Ignacio Blanquer, Polytechnic University of Valencia & EOSC – A director
  3.  Summary and conclusions: Report from Sessions and further feedback from audience –Summary and conclusions

For more details about the agenda follow the link: https://www.esfri.eu/esfri-events/3rd-esfri-ris-eosc-workshop?qt-event=1#qt-event

This event will be entirely online, and to participate, please subscribe at the link here: https://www.esfri.eu/esfri-events/3rd-esfri-ris-eosc-workshop?qt-event=2#qt-event

The 2ºInstruct-ERIC international call, present new items

The 2ª International Call from Instruct-ERIC has been awarded, providing access for researchers in institutions that hold a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Instruct to access European facilities to help advance their ongoing research. 

Instruct’s work within the EU-LAC ResInfra project in collaboration with iNEXT-Discovery has organized eight visits from Latin American institutions to Instruct European facilities.  

  • Lucia Chemes – University of San Marti
  • Bernabé Battista – Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular de Rosario 
  • Jimena Rinaldi – Fundacion Instituto Leloir 
  • Felipe Otsuka – University Sao Paulo 
  • Richard Garratt – University Sao Paulo 
  • Mariana Piuri – University Buenos Aires 
  • Daiana Andrea Capdevila – Fundacion Instituto Leloir 
  • Horacio Heras – National University of La Plata 

The 2nd International Call further emphasizes how the partnership between Instruct-ERIC and EU-LAC ResInfra provides benefits for researchers in both Latin America and Europe. These visits add to the EU-LAC ResInfra mobility program in structural biology already started with the three staff exchanges awarded last year, which are now underway. 

The visits will take place throughout 2022. As a result, all users will receive the necessary training and expertise in using the equipment while also sharing their own experience with the host institution.