The Project
Towards a Sustainable EU-LAC Partnership In Research Infrastructures (EU-LAC ResInfra Plus)
he ResInfra served to boost the construction of a bi-regional collaboration between European Union and the Latin America Caribbean countries, to prove the importance of Research Infrastructures in boost the Research and Development activities.
ResInfra Plus came as an opportunity to enhance even more the bi-regional collaboration on Research Infrastructures. At the moment Reslnfra Plus brought a wide and comprehensive consortium of 20 crucial partners from Europe, Latin America and Caribbean countries. The partners are a mix of governmental representatives from the EU and LAC responsible of the development of research infrastructures policies at national level, research, technology and development funding agencies from European countries, as well as consolidated European Research Infrastructures.
in the field of Structural Biology
in the field of microbial resources and biodiversity
for the transdisciplinary application of computation
in the field of ecosystems and biodiversity
Firstly, will be developed a Latin American Caribbean Research Infrastructures map dashboard that will enhance the research capacities by allowing researchers to know the available resources. After ResInfra Plus also will develop:
- Collaboration guidelines to support the policy dialogue for guaranteeing the future collaborations;
- Identify pathways for future to tie together specific lessons learnt and subject issues to progress through a join cooperative programme;
- Transnational training and workshops for the research to build bridges between research development stakeholders, staff and other research infrastructures;
- Stakeholders’ forum to bring the Research Infrastructures closer to the different actors, such as researchers, educators, policymakers, citizens, businesses, and others, in order to boost their engagement with the EU-LAR RI network
Customer Testimonials
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