Latin America – Europe Symposium on Research Infrastructures, organised by EU-LAC ResInfra and RI-VIS focused on the visibility of European research infrastructures

The virtual three-day symposium that brought together delegates from Latin American and European research infrastructures (RIs), science policy organisations and research institutions to discuss opportunities and challenges for RI cooperation between Latin America and Europe took place between June 15-17.

The objective of the event was to raise awareness of individual RIs, to identify measures to mitigate current challenges of bi-regional cooperation between RIs, to initiate new and strengthening existing collaborations, and to initiate networks in a sustainable way so that all stakeholders benefit.

Moreover, the RI-VIS project has published the White Paper entitled “Recommendations towards cooperation between Latin American and European research infrastructures”. This White Paper collates the insights of experts from Latin American RIs, European RIs, and policymakers, highlighting examples of Latin American-European RI collaboration, best practices for successful collaboration, perceived challenges and bottlenecks, and from these presents a series of actionable recommendations. The White Paper is available aquí.

Inmaculada Figueroa (coordinator of EU-LAC Resinfra) speech can be watched here: