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Research Infrastructures

Following the concept of the European Commission, Research Infrastructures (RIs) can be defined as facilities that provide resources and services for research communities to conduct research and foster innovation.

The European Commission has the role of defining, evaluating and implementing tools to provide Europe with sustainable RIs, due to the cooperation with EU countries and countries associated to Horizon Europe.

Some of the objectives that the European Commission have regarding this task are:

Address global environmental, social and economic challenges, in line with the renewed ERA;

Develop cutting-edge technologies for RIs and foster innovation;

Reinforce the international dimension of European RIs

There have been several developments with ResInfra assistance in relation to cooperation regarding Research Infrastructures within the European Union. LifeWatch ERIC an EU Infrastructure supplying e-Science research facilities for scientists seeking to increase our knowledge and deepen our understanding of Biodiversity and Ecosystems, supporting civil society in addressing key planetary challenges. The Instruct-ERIC a pan-European distributed research infrastructure making high-end technologies and methods in structural biology available to users.