Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR)

DLR (German Aerospace Center) is one of Germany’s largest project management agencies. It assists several German Federal Ministries in i) planning and implementing national research programmes in various thematic areas, ii) providing political analysis and recommendations and iii) giving support for public relation and communication activities. DLR has profound knowledge of the science and technology landscape worldwide and is well connected to e.g. Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) research and innovation stakeholders as well as to European organisations working in this region. For the past decade and with increasing intensity, DLR has been engaged in many regional and international coordination activities launched mainly by the European Commission/DG Research and Innovation

The department European and International Cooperation as part of the Project Management Agency includes the International Bureau of the BMBF (IB), the EU Bureau of the BMBF (EUB) and hosts the German EUREKA/COST Bureau. Having a strong background in R&D strategy and policy implementation with particular emphasis on international relations, IB is especially dedicated to international cooperation activities. It supports the Federal Ministry’s bilateral cooperation in science, technology and education with about 50 countries worldwide in an effort to facilitate the preparation and implementation of international cooperation activities. The EUB coordinates the German Network of National Contact Points (NCPs) and hosts NCPs for Research Infrastructures, ERC, INCO, Legal & Financial Issues, etc.