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The EU-LAC Interest Group towards the Common Research Area launches a new Joint Call to enhance the bi-regional cooperation in Science, Technology, and Innovation. The call did open last Monday, 24 January 2021, and will close the Thursday, 28 April 2022.

The call to find initiatives that contemplate sustainable and multilateral research cooperation between researchers from Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean countries. Multiregional consortia are called to submit the proposals to six topics of Global Challenges, Health, Biodiversity, and EnergyThe call topics have been defined in collaboration with the EU-funded projects EU-LAC ResInfraEULAC PerMed, and SINCERE.. 

The Proposals must be submitted online following the Guide for Applicants. The application consists of two parts, the Project Description Template form and the online submission form accessible at

The projects will be funded for up to 36 months. For more information, please follow the link: