Between November 2nd to 5th, 2021, in Foz do Iguaçu – Brazil, the second edition of “InterForensics Conferences,” took place, organized by the Brazilian Academy of Forensic Sciences (ABCF) with the support of the National Association of Federal Criminal Experts (APCF). These are relevant research and academic entities responsible for developing new technologies and tools in this area.

In the event, EU-LAC Resinfra was represented by one of its four pilots, the E-RIHS (European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science) through the intervention of its scientific coordinator Luca Pezzatti. E-RIHS is an organization that enables the research community to use specific facilities, resources, and services that are geographically scattered, given access to facilities, resources, and services in the field of Heritage Science across Europe. Thus, catalyzing new cross-disciplinary research by mobilizing expertise and researchers in the humanities and natural sciences, integrating world-class facilities across Europe to connect the global community of heritage science and, building state-of-the-art tools and services for research communities and to the heritage industry.

The conference was divided into thematic areas and Luca Pezzatti participated in the “Patrimonio Historica e Cultura.” discussion. He presented his work entitled “Towards a global infrastructure for research in cultural heritage.” showing his vast knowledge in optics applied to Cultural Heritage’s safeguards; biomedical optics; optical metrology; 3D-measuring optical techniques; optical systems design; interferometry; phase-analysis techniques; and scientific software design. These are topics developed in his work.