The TICAL2021 and the 5th Latin American e-Science Meeting was held between August 30th and September 4th to discuss the topic “Rethinking the University driven by digital technologies”. The event brough together the ICT leaders of Latin American universities and researchers who use technology intensively for their daily work. TICAL2021 aimed to join examples of implementation of solutions and strategies in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that support or contribute to the exercise of rethinking technological applications in Higher Education Institutions. EU-LAC RESINFRA was one of the projects selected to join the discussion on these topics.
On August 30th, Rafael Mayo-Garcia (CIEMAT – Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas) shared the EU-LAC RESINFRA project in the parallel session on “eScience: Technological solutions and tools to enhance research”. The session had also the participation of the following projects: IkiamLab Link, LaRedCCA and Erasmus + LACoNGA Physics. In his speech, Rafael Mayo-Garcia explained the structure of the project and stressed the importance of the bioregional coordination, considering that every work package integrates, at least, an entity from Latin American-Caribbean and another one from Europe, ensuring the knowledge mixture and the diversity. The four pilots that are being developed in the project were also presented, specifically:
- Instruct Eric: Structural Biology
- Lifewatch: Ecosystems and Biodiversity
- E-RIHS: cultural heritage
- RICAP: Transdisciplinary application of computation.
The presentation concluded with an exposition of the grand scope of the project, its regional magnitude, that consider 18 countries in two regions, including many entities, both public and private, as well as from the educational field, an essential element for the development of new technologies and knowledge infrastructures.
The session recording can be accessed here: TICAL2021 y 5° Enc. LA de e-Ciencia. Paralela: Soluciones y herramientas tecnológicas para… – YouTube