The ResInfra project Work Package 2 team, consisting of CNPq (WP leader), VTT (co-leader), FCT, MICITT and MINCIENCIAS, has updated the mapping of the LAC RI ecosystem which will be the basis for the bi-regional RI collaboration.
This mapping exercise has been based on previous exercises, drawing on the knowledge generated in previous projects and adding new infrastructures to those already identified. In addition, as an added value, this exercise includes information identifying the existing relevant collaborations between RIs in intra-LAC, EU-LAC, and when available, LAC-non EU countries, as well as good practices identified.
The mapping exercise began with the definition of a list of eligibility criteria to be applied for the inclusion of RIs in the LAC mapping and the definition of the scientific areas in which the RIs will be grouped. This has allowed establish a methodology for deepening the already existing mapping where needed and providing information.
As a result of an intense work that has included desk research, gap analysis on RI mappings and the design and launch of a Regional Survey of LAC RI National Mappings applied in the framework of EU-LAC WG on RI, WP2 has deepened the available mappings of LAC infrastructures, including 167 mapped RIs in total, with 92 updated RIs. The updating Of LAC RIs, however, is a continuous work that will continue to be carried out in the future.
The process of updating LAC RIs together with the identification of state of the art on current collaborations and best practices in EU-LAC RI cooperation have served as a basis for the realization of a SWOT analysis. The deliverables 2.1 “Report on the criteria, scientific areas and methodology to develop the LAC RI landscape”, D 2.2 “Updated report on LAC RIs” and D 2.3 “LAC landscape analysis including SWOT and state of the art on current collaborations and best practices in EU-LAC RI cooperation” are available for download in the ResInfra web repository.
The work developed in this work group will be, together with the experience of the project pilots, the basis for the work to be carried out in other work packages of the project. This is the case of the work done by ANID (leader), CNR (co-leader), UEFISCDI, FCT, VTT, CNPq, MICITT, MINCIENCIAS, AEI, DLR within WP3, whose objective is to collect data and to create a portfolio of EU and LAC RI roadmapping strategies, funding models and policy instruments, in order to select promising practices and lessons learnt; this is also the case of WP5, leaded by MEC, whose objective is give support to the EU-CELAC SOM Working Group on RI and make links with RI related bodies.