The “Deliverable 3.2 “Report on EU LAC RI cooperation models and practices”, specifically aims to collect data from a select group of 22 RIs from the EU and LAC, as well as through interviews with various RI stakeholders, in order to identify models and practices of collaboration through an in-depth analysis of the data obtained. The results of the analysis will then contribute to the design of the Sustainability Plan for the development of the bi-regional RI Roadmap.
Therefore, this report consists of two sections: The first focuses on the benchmarking of 22 RIs in the EU and Latin America, and the Caribbean and their ongoing cooperation activities. This section includes the definition of a set of key performance indicators, an overview of the data collected from the RIs, a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data, and resulting recommendations on cooperation models and practices that emerge from the benchmarking.
To download the document please access to REPOSITORY section on this web page.