The project, successfully started in December 2019, has already progressed towards the expected results, since all Work Packages have timely started. Especially remarkable is:
Report on the criteria, scientific areas and methodology to develop the LAC RI Landscape
The Report on the criteria, scientific areas and methodology to develop the LAC RI Landscape, a public deliverable belonging to WP2 of EU-LAC ResInfra. The Report builds on the results of the experience of ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures), previous EU funded projects, such as EULAC Focus or RISCAPE, as well as the LAC RI mapping performed by LAC members of the WG RI. It includes the RI inclusion criteria, as well as recommendations for progressing in the mapping of the LAC RI and some of the gaps detected when analysing the existing LAC RI mapping exercises.
Pilot RI activities
Pilot RI activities have been planned for the 1st year of EU-LAC ResInfra. The 4 Pilots, lead by E-RIHS, Lifewatch-ERIC, INSTRUCT-ERIC and the RICAP Network have established activities that seek to further increase the collaboration with LAC Researchers and RIs, while raising awareness and visibility of the opportunities RI collaboration have. Some of these activities include a pilot technical framework, for exchanging heritage science data; preparing and launching Calls, organising study visits and summer schools.
The advancements of EU-LAC ResInfra
The advancements of EU-LAC ResInfra were presented in the 5th EU-LAC WG RI meeting by its coordinator, Inmaculada Figueroa (Ministry of Science and Innovation – Spain).