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Work Packages

Work Packages


Bi-regional monitoring of available resources:
i. Develop a map to update the database of research infrastructures available for EU-LAC.
ii. Leader: MICINN


Towards the EU-LAC area Roadmap
i. Identify the best infrastructures in Latin America and Europe, to strengthen common use of the same infrastructures and enhance its impact on the development of science and technology.
ii. Leader: AUCI


Fostering cooperation between EU and LAC RIs
i. Continue the work developed under the EU-LAC ResInfra project in order to strengthen the best-identified practices of the EU-LAC RI cooperation landscape and spread the successful models of cooperation bi-regionally.
ii. Leader: CNPq


Building bridges between stakeholders, researchers and RIs in the EULAC RI area
i. Aims to reinforce the bridges among researchers and RIs in LAC and increase their participation in the EU-LAC RI area.
ii. Leader: DLR


Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication I
i. Prepare the communication and dissemination activities through targeted actions.
ii. Leader: SPI


Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication II
i. Continue to implement impactful communication and dissemination activities through targeted actions
ii. Leader: SPI


Project management and quality control I
i. The coherent and fluent management of the project including the technical and social management as well as the quality and risk control through targeted actions, as laid out in the Project management handbook and the Data Management plan
ii. Leader: MICINN


Project management and quality control II
i. Continue with the management plan, as laid out in the original Plan
ii. Leader: MICINN


Ethics requirements
iii. The aim is to ensure that the provisions on ethics regulation and rules are respected.
iv. Leader: MICINN